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Fire Fairy - Egyptian Fire Fairy Assassin

In Ancient Egypt, ruled the Pharaohs - of King Tut, of Queen Bastet and Cleopatra. In Ancient Egypt, rose their Fire Gods - one Fire Phoenix, one Fire Tiger and Lava Serpent. Yet for their foes, of Empires Fall - Forged in Secret, did they make ... An Egyptian 'Fire Fairy Assassin' to slay their enemies - as they slept:

Thy 'Fire Fairy Assassin' of King Tut, Queen Bastet and Cleopatra.
Thy 'Fire Fairy Assassin' of King Tut, Queen Bastet and Cleopatra.

For King Tut had written ... That a 'Fire Fairy Assassin' would be skilled in the 'Art of Knife'. He'd train her well, in Obsidian Knives - to cut his enemies, from throat to throat. For Queen Bastet had written ... That a 'Fire Fairy Assassin' would be skilled in the 'Art of Sneak'. She'd train her well, in Paths of Cat - to creep in quite, from light to night. For Cleopatra had written ... That a 'Fire Fairy Assassin' would be skilled in the 'Art of Serpent'. She'd train her well, in Paths of Venom - to pour in flirt, from mouth to heart. And so it was ...

A 'Fire Fairy Assassin' did they make, with traits of three! A 'Fire Fairy Assassin' did they make, with wrath of three! A 'Fire Fairy Assassin' did they make, with tempers three!

But no Sarcophagus did they make, they chose instead - an 'Elemental Gate of Fire' to keep her in ... With Steps of Pharaoh 'cast in Bronze' with Spears of Army 'cast in Bronze' with Doors of Secret 'cast in Bronze'. They placed a Ward, one of each: Phoenix, Tiger and Serpent. They placed a Ward, one of each: Tut, Bastet and Cleopatra. And still - they fought her for control! In Wise of Three, they chose a Guardian - an Ancient Guardian, tweet thy Oldest of the Old: the Egyptian Owl :)

For in Ancient Egypt, was it written ... Owls do walk, in Paths of Wisdom - they know Lore of Calm: the Paths of Fire. Owls do fly, in Paths of Darkness - they know Lore of Keep: the Hearts of Fire. Owls do rest, in Paths of Death - they know Lore of Guard: the Gates of Fire. And so it was ...

For their 'Fire Fairy Assassin' would rest at ease - but grow in Power. For their 'Fire Fairy Assassin' would rest in peace - but grow in Fury. For their 'Fire Fairy Assassin' would stand and wait - but grow in Time. And so it was ... Until such time, that she be needed!

Now such time ... For then did Ancient-Modern Egypt see - a Sight of Sights :) Egyptian Fire Gates 'slowly open' - hinging back, left and right. Egyptian Wards 'slowly fade' - red to black, God and Pharaoh. Egyptian Steps 'slowly walked' - bottom to top, Egyptian Portal! As after an eternity at rest, did their Egyptian 'Fire Fairy Assassin' - awaken! She knew at once, which foes to slay. She knew at once, which paths to tread. She knew at once, which craft to use.

For in Ancient Egypt, foes are plenty ... For King Tut, she slew a War Lord - Armoured Might, he knew no weakness. Her knives were quick, within his back. For Queen Bastet, she slew a Griffin - who answered not, to Queen of Cats. Her boots were stealth, within his liar. For Cleopatra, she slew a Scorpion - he who sunk 'Thonis-Heracleion'. Her poison was deadly, within his breath. For Pharaohs here, she slew of Warriors - impressive skill, in sword and axe. Her knives were quick, across their necks. For Pharaohs here, she slew of Princes - climbing up, threatened throne. Her boots were stealth, within their beds. For Fire Gods here, she slew of Deities - rising up, threatened worship. Her poison was deadly, within their fountains. And so it was ...

For in Modern Egypt, foes are plenty ... For Pyramids here, she slew of Robbers - opening Tombs, threatened Fortune. Her knives were quick, across their chests. For Sphinxes here, she slew of Thieves - opening Heirlooms, threatened Bounty. Her boots were silent, across their floors. For Obelisks here, she slew of Raiders - deciphering Runes, threatened Underworld. Her poison was deadly, within their glasses. And so it was ...

For this 'Fire Fairy Assassin' walked within, the Paths of Samurai, and the Paths of Ninja. For this 'Fire Fairy Assassin' walked within, the Paths of Woman, and the Paths of Deadly. For this 'Fire Fairy Assassin' walked within, the Paths of Goddess, and the Paths of Immortal. For this 'Fire Fairy Assassin' walked within, the Paths of Death, and the Paths of Life. As still she does today ...

Whilst locked within her 'Gates of Fire': Watchful Owl - Wards of Fire God, Wards of Pharaoh. Biding time - waiting stasis, waiting now ...

For an Egyptian 'Day of Days' when King Tut, of Queen Bastet and Cleopatra war cry: 'we need you - arise!!!'

| Victorian HawkPermalink

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Part One

A Classic Fantasy Tale, with a range of Fantasy Characters (including Elves, Dwarves and Men), that sees a Quest of Power, through the Roots of Adventure, in the Darkest Days of Middle-Earth. With a guiding Wizard, and a bare foot Hobbit (one of the Little People), it's The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring:

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - JRR Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - JRR Tolkien

I've always thought, that this is one of the best, Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Novels, that you can ever read :) There's several reasons for this ... First: is it's use of Humour ... I found myself laughing, when Sam (one of the Hobbits), is pulled through the Window (by Gandalf the Wizard), after having eavesdropped, and making out that he hadn't - he was cutting the Lawn you see! I also laughed, when Gimli the Dwarf, tasted some Cram (a Travellers Bread), having not believed, that it will taste very nice (even raising an eyebrow) - then promptly eating, the whole piece! I also found humour, in the strangest of places, such as when Gandalf had nearly been destroyed - well, well, he flew down some stairs, after encountering a foe, that he could not best, whilst joking about it! Second: is it's range of Fantasy Locations ... First and Foremost, my favourite is the Dwarven Mine/City of Moria. I especially liked the Ancestry of Moria, that it was once the most prized, of all the Dwarven Realms (owing to it's Mining of Mithril - the Dwarven Wonder Metal), which was in-turn lost, to the Orcs/Goblins and Durin's Bane (a large Fire Breathing Western Dragon of a Daemon, that even the Elves Fear). Moria is now a dark place, which Gandalf leads our Adventurers through, with his Bobbing Wizards Staff of Light (akin to a Will-o'-the-wisp). I especially liked the idea, of Moria's Dwarven Doors, that can only be seen in Moonlight (and opened with a specific word/phrase). I also found comedy here, as I laughed at Gandalf, being outwitted by a door! Of Moria itself, did I like the idea of staircases hewn from stone, together with cavernous pillars (that defined a City in Starlight), together with Tombs of the Fallen (still blessed in daylight), and Treasures of the Deepest Mines (that Dwarves still dream of). I also liked, what I feel was the reason that Moria was built (by the Dwarves) in the first place - a Magical Lake (called the Mirrormere), which Shines with Stars in it's Waters so Deep :) It is with some irony then, that although I love the Green Places of this World, that I have often felt a Desire, to explore the Dark Halls of Moria myself! In stark contrast to Moria, are the Fantasy Woods, of the Old Forest. It's a mythical place, that Tales of Old, used to scare young Hobbits with - and yet, Frodo Baggins (the main Fantasy Character of this Tale), decides to venture that very way :) Now I like Woods, and I like Trees, but the Trees of the Old Forest, are not like other Trees (they can move/walk, and they can talk/be-spell) - it's Old Man Willow you see. He's a Magical Willow Tree, who does not have the Hobbits best interests at heart! Although I find the Old Forest to be a Dark Place (perhaps even more so than Moria), it leads to one of my favourite Fantasy Characters - Tom Bombadil :) He's such a fun/comedy element, that it's hard to feel all Dark and Gloomy, when he's around (especially with that Bobbing Hat of his!). Now it feels to me, as though Tom is some kind of Nature Fairy (as he's always been concerned with Trees) - yet even if he isn't, then his sidekick (Goldberry), is certainly a Water Fairy :) In any case, I like the fact, that both Tom and Goldberry, tend to the Old Forest, and look after Frodo (after Old Man Willow, gets his Roots to him). To me, the Old Forest feels as though, it's full of Magic - both Good and Evil, that's just kind-of mixed together, in it's raw, natural form. It's a powerful place, that I feel, could have played a larger part in the Tale (together with Tom Bombadil). Third: is it's range of Fantasy Characters ... The Fellowship of the Ring, is itself comprised of a Motley Crew: four Hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin), two Men (one called Aragorn, one called Boromir), one Elf (called Legolas), one Dwarf (called Gimli), and Gandalf (the Wizard). I like the idea of the Fellowship (aka our Adventurers), because it is a contradiction - you have powerful members (such as Gandalf and Aragorn), mixed with weaker members (such as Merry and Pippin). Whilst in the middle, do you have members that are a bit of both: both in terms of alignment (such as Legolas is to Trees and Nature, whilst Gimli is to Stone and Anvil), and in terms of not judging a book by it's cover (such as Frodo at first appearing weak, but over time, does Frodo become the appointed/recognised strongest, Ring Bearer). Of these Fantasy Characters, would I say that my favourite is Gandalf, though I wouldn't normally like Wizards! Gandalf is an exception, for he's more like a Warlock - a Wizard and a Warrior, all rolled into one :) Next would there be Aragorn - as I like the fact, that he is descendant from Kings (although I'm not so keen, on his Strider personality, in the earlier parts of the Tale). Then would there be Gimli, as there's a fair amount of humour, surrounding his character: A Dwarf! Which plays right into, the grievances between Dwarves and Elves (with several twists in friendship, along the way). In any case, I especially like the portrayal of Elves within this Tale. I like their connection with Nature (especially of the Woods, plus Spells of the Sea), and I like the fact, that there's at least three, families of Elves found, within Middle-Earth: those from Rivendell (who were there at the start, when Darkness first showed it's face), those from Mirkwood (who still have dealings with Men, and is the home of Legolas), and those from Lothlorien (who Guard a Treasure of Middle-Earth, and befriend the Fellowship). I also liked the way, that the Elves are used, to underline an important point/theme (within the Tale): the Elves may be Powerful, blessed to live much longer than Men, skilled in the Art of Combat (especially Bow and Arrow) - yet just like the rest of Middle-Earth, they do not have the power, to throw back the Darkness/Evil by themselves! Or do they?

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: The Fellowship of the Ring - Part Two

Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve Argyle

Fires of this Heaven, and Fairies of the Goddess, what is it that you Halo, when this Angel - flew upon this Scene?

Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve Argyle
Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve Argyle

To the Heat of this Day, in the Rise of the Solar - with the tail of a Feather, sung Angel Fire. To the Cool of this Night, in the Curves of the Lunar - with the flick of a Flame, danced Element Angel. To the Forge of this Land, in the Feats of the Warrior - with the touch of a Smith, scribed Element Fire. I like the fact that this artwork, is something of a contradiction ... When I first look at this Angel, do I think of the Whites of the Cloud (as in her Armour), and the Rivers of the Mountain (as in her Flowing Hair). And yet, when I look at this Angel's Wings, and this Angel's Sword - do I find myself thinking, of the Foundries of the Earth, and the Rivers of the Lava. As such, it can be seen that there's a deliberate contrast in themes, that exists within this artwork. Why has Steve done this? Well ... It is a simple reason, that is better explained - through the observance of further contrast ... I think of an Angel of Good. I think of the Flight of the Phoenix. I think of an Angel so Right. I think of the Depths of the Lava. I think of an Artist's Colour Wheel/Palette in Oppose. I think of an Area that's so often called Grey. I speak of course, of an Artist and his Riddle! Which in this case, do I find to be: is this Angel aligned with the Dark? (aka is she of the Evil?), or is she aligned with the Light? (aka is she of the Good?). For me, it's hard to say! She may be of the Light, but that darker area around her Eyes, casts some doubt on this. She may be of the Pure/Righteous, but that darker area at the start of her Wings (either side of her head), casts some doubt on this. She may be of the Loyal, but that darker area on the background's right hand side, casts some doubt on this. Indeed, do I find that this Riddle - becomes a perplexing one! And it is the pondering of this Riddle, that helps fuel your Engagement to this Angel :) In doing so, does Steve bring clarity to his artwork - through the use of three specific techniques. First: is his use of detail. Within the Realms of Art, is it common for detail, just to be hinted at - by the suggestion of a shape, and/or a lighter/darker tone of shading. Yet here, do I find an exception, for this Angel's Armour, becomes involved in the intricacies - there is a uniform pattern, that follows the curves of this Angel's body (a challenge in itself!). Second: is Steve's use of scale. This is most detectable, upon the Fires on the bottom right, and upon the extremes of this Angel's Wings. For as we head towards the extreme/outer edges of this artwork, do such details become larger - but without sacrificing clarity. I feel that this has been done, to bring balance to the artwork. If everything was on the same scale, then it would be easy to overwhelm the Angel. Third: is this Angel's dynamic pose. It's as though this Angel has just flown up, to block your way! The stance of her Shield, angle of her Sword, and bend in her foremost leg (at the knee) - both suggest, and further refine this idea :) Which in-turn, adds depth to this Artist's Riddle - as we start to wonder, could we be dealing with a Guardian Angel here? Overall: A stunning piece of artwork, that speaks both of Angel, and of Fairy! The Angel is the Guardian. The Fairy is the Glamour. The Angel is the Fire. The Fairy is the Riddle. And as such, I love the fact that this Angel - is entwined with both Heaven and Earth. She can fly as high as the Clouds, reminiscent of Rain. She can burn as bright as the Sun, reminiscent of Lunar. To this Angel's Heart, with Phoenix Wing, a Guardian's Halo - this Angel and her Fire!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art

Lavender Moon - Rachel Anderson

In Fairy Garden, Purple Haze. In Fairy Flower, Purple Scent. Born of Flutter and of Bee - this Lavender's Flower, Petals of thy Bloom to be:

Lavender Moon - Rachel Anderson
Lavender Moon - Rachel Anderson

Have you ever wondered where it is, that all those Butterflies flutter from? Or of all the Colours in your Garden, when you sit upon the Lawn this Eve? Some might say it's in your Dreams. Some might say it's in your Stance. Yet I would say, Flutter Sky - thy Purple Heart, a Lavender Moon! In Paths of Power, Purple Rain. In Stepping Stone, Purple Wing. In Shimmer Flow, Purple Tint. In Crescent Shape, Purple Queen. In Guiding Light, Purple Path. In Moonlight Realm, Fairy Form :) Dreaming of thy Garden's Bed, Flutters of thy Seed to Bloom. Flying of thy Garden's Realm, Nectars of thy Plant to Drink. Musing on thy Garden's Shape, Whispers of thy Wind to Ride. Tilting of thy Garden's Seat, Essence of thy Bloom to Feed. Thinking of thy Garden's Path, Knowing of thy Runes to Take. Resting on thy Garden's Leaf, Drinking of thy Stem to Bud :) For in Fairy Lore, there was a Place - born of Adam, and of Eve! This Fairy Realm, called Lavender. This Fairy Place, called Moon. The Crescent of a Fairy Throne. The Powering of a Faerie Light. The Shaping of a Fairy Tongue. The Pulling of a Fairy Glow. The Curving of a Fairy Arch. The Guiding of a Fairy Bright ... For in Fairy Lore, there was a Place - born of Cosmos, and of Sky! This Fairy Realm, called Purple Royal. This Fairy Place, called Whitened Snow. The Shimmer of a Fairy Paint. The Sparkle of a Fairy Dust. The Tonal of a Fairy Wash. The Twinkle of a Fairy Star. The Shading of a Fairy Verse. The Glimmer of a Fairy Spark ... For in Garden Lore, there was a Fairy - born of Butter, and of Fly! This Garden's Place, called Fairy House. This Fairy Name, called Lavender. The Foundries of a Garden Faerie. The Forges of a Garden Smith. The Pruning of a Garden Queen. The Clipping of a Garden King. The Glamour of a Garden Reign. The Shaping of a Garden Prince ... For in Garden Lore, there was a Pixie - born of Sunlight, and of Moon! You can find her in the Lilacs. You can find her in the Violets. You can find her in the Orchids. You can find her in the Petals. You can find her in the Stems. You can find her in the Roots. Where would that be then? Two Stars right, one to the left, pass Multi-coloured Cloud, under Bobbing Time - and with a Flutter and Beat, came this Butterfly, to Lavender Moon :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art

Ariadne - Labyrinth Fairy - Rachel Anderson

In Fairy Garden, Webs of Dew. In Fairy Realms, Paths be Wove. Born of Needle and of Weave - this Classic Craft, Fabric of thy Verse to be:

Ariadne - Labyrinth Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Ariadne - Labyrinth Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Sitting on her Fairy Throne, thinking of thy Curves to Shape. One Stitch here, one Stitch there - Fabric of thy Fairy's Dress. Resting on her Fairy Seat, dreaming of thy Arcs to Weave. One Curve here, one Curve there - Pattern of thy Pillow's Realm. Lounging on her Fairy Couch, musing of thy Paths to Knit. One Row here, one Row there - Parting of thy Curtain's Gate ... Dreaming of thy Garden's Path, Walking of thy Maze to Turn. Tipping of thy Padded Feet, Purring of thy Heart to Quest. Sniffing of thy Morning Scent, Knowing of thy Path so Right. Musing on thy Stepping Stone, Resting on thy Petal's Bud. Drinking of thy Silver's Nectar, Flutter of thy Wings so Glamour. Knowing of thy Garden's Scent, Sniffing of thy Branch so Right ... What's that you say! A Fairy's Heart of Labyrinth? Well now ... Woven through this Realm of Fairy. Riddled in this Fairy's Garden. Paths be trod, a Labyrinth's Arch - a Fairy Dress, of Bluebells Song :) Knitted through this Land of Feather. Spoken in this Fairy's Dream. Paths be step, a Labyrinth's Gem - a Fairy Pillow, of Turquoise Green :) Crocheted through this Bed of Stars. Runic in this Heaven's Body. Paths be traced, a Labyrinth's Maze - a Curtain's Gate, of Galaxy Orange :) What's that you say! A Fairy's Work of Labyrinth? A Fairy's Time of Day? Well now ... Woven through this Spider's Web. Rising in this Morning Mist. Riddled in this Morning Dew. Waning in this Glowing Sun. Knitted through this Garden's Patch. Growing in this Rising Heat. Spoken in this Fairy's Tongue. Quietened in this Lunar Verse. Crocheted through this Midnight's Realm. One of Milky, one of Way. Runic in these Glowing Eyes. One of Me, one of You. One of Weave, one of Knit. One of Cast, one of Bob. One of Knot, one of Throw. Ariadne ... For it was indeed, thy Greek Goddess be-spelled her Stitch: whispered to thy Yarn, purred to Bobbin Row. In Fairy Realms of Greeks and Brides, Constellations set in Stone. In Fairy Powers of Curtain's Fold, Bobbin Lights of Spells be Cast. Ariadne ... Weaver of this Thread in Time. Caster of this Bead so Fine. Mother of this Elven Stitch. Father of this Whisker Slender. Ariadne ... For it was Foreseen, thy Greek Goddess - Stitched in Time :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art

Titania - Queen of Fairies - Rachel Anderson

Fairy Glamour robes of Fine. Fairy Glamour masks of Flower. Born of Drama and of Moonlight - this Lavender Fairy, donned Mask of Fairy Queen:

Titania - Queen of Fairies - Rachel Anderson
Titania - Queen of Fairies - Rachel Anderson

In Fairy Realms of Garden Throne. In Fairy Paths of Lilac Flower. A Posing Fairy came to me - in Midnight Realms of Purple Pink. She spoke of Fairy, twist of Precious. She spoke of Faerie, hint of Gentle. In Fairy Dreams of Lilac Bud. In Fairy Ways of Fuchsia Pink. A Dancing Fairy came to me - in Moonlit Realms of Silver Light. She mused of Beauty, twist of Passion. She mused of Nature, hint of Cherished. In Fairy Homes of Midnight's Bright. In Fairy Runes of Silver Glyph. A Guiding Fairy came to me - in Cosmic Realms of Heaven's Body. She shone of Ethereal, twist of Power. She shone of River, hint of Way. This Fairy Portal - of Midsummer Night's Dream! Where did the Portal lead? To Fairyland of course :) Titania's Palace and her, Masquerade Ball ... There be Dancing Fairies, with Light of Foot. There be Singing Fairies, with Choirs of Bird. There be Hover Fairies, with Sweet of Nectar. There be Skipping Fairies, with Pots of Gold. There be Flying Fairies, with Scent of Pollen. There be Swimming Fairies, with Fountains of Fun. For at Titania's Masquerade Ball, can you find the Fairest of the Fairy Folk :) There be Flower Fairies and Animal Fairies. There be Glitter Fairies and Element Fairies. There be Dream Fairies and Wedding Fairies. For at Titania's Masquerade Ball, can you find both Fairy Verse, and Fairy Rhyme. As it is, with the Writings of this Silver Pen - the Fairy Glyphs, revealed in Moonlight. What did they say? With Curves in Shape and Precious Eye - Titania, Queen of Fairyland. With Wings in Pair and Flutter Wink - Titania, Madam Butterfly. With Chains in Hold and Snowdrop Gem - Titania, Heaven's Scent. With Foils in Purple and Whitened Cheeks - Titania, Fairy's Glamour. With Flowing Hair and Darkened Eye - Titania, Fairy's Lore. With Spells in Cosmic and Guiding Light - Titania, Will-o'-the-wisp. Hows that you say? With Flutter Wing and Flutter By, these Guiding Lights spoke to me - of Fairy Portal. With Hover There and Wait for Me, these Bobbing Lights called to me - of Fairy Door. With White of Wing and Glowing There, these Butterflies flew to me - an Invite to a Ball! So it was indeed, with one step forward I came to be - at Titania's Palace and her, Masquerade Ball :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Fairyland

Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Ammonites of these Clouds, and Eyes of the Flutterer, what is it that you Feel, when this Fairy - sat upon this Peak?

Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

To the Heavens of this Day, in the Wisps of the Vapours - with the twists of a Tail, posed Evanescent. To the Climb of this Rhyme, in the Thoughts of a Dragon's - with the souls of the Wise, mused Evanescent. To the Rocks of this Realm, in the Seas of the Angels - with the whispers of a Queen, dark Evanescent. In the Spiral of his Thoughts, with the hidden of a Riddle - two Flutters of Mind, Evanescent and Reign. I am impressed with the fact, that Rachel has chosen at least, two themes for this artwork - and that each theme, is in balance with the other. I feel that the first theme, is that of Guardianship. For I detect, three sets of Eyes looking at me - the Fairy's (indirectly), the Dragon's (directly), and in true Fairy Glamour, those large Eyes at the top of the Butterfly wings! Of these, it seems as though the Butterfly's are the most dominant - as I feel as though, they are winking at me :) In doing so, do these Butterfly's Eyes - bring balance to the upper half of the image, as their bounding darkness (aka black), offsets the lighter tones of the clouds, that rise throughout the image. And in doing so, does Rachel achieve an important effect - she brings height to her Fairy :) I feel that the second theme, is that of a Quest to Climb. This Dragon's Tail, wraps around this Fairy's legs - which both spirals me up, and into the centre of the artwork. Yet that is not all, for does the shape of the Mountain, and the angle of this Fairy's legs (and her dress) - both work together, pulling me upwards, and into the centre of the artwork. Why has Rachel done this? To ensure that this Fairy, is the focal point of your eyes :) Indeed, is this a powerful effect to achieve, whilst maintaining balance within the artwork - because of this Fairy's, darker skin tone. Rachel has added balance, to allow you to focus on the Fairy, by darkening the shades of the Mountain. The Mountain itself, plays right into - this Dragon's Riddle. What possible reason could there be, for the Mountain to be covered in Ammonites? It seems to me, that this Dragon's Tail, reflects the Curves of the Ammonites - as does the Dragon's colour. It also seems to me, that this Dragon's Wings are the same as Fairy's Wings - with similar shades and patterns (albeit on a different scale). Thus is there a connection, between the Ammonites and the Dragon, and between the Dragon and the Fairy. That connection is the Mountain. It's the Roots of the Fairy, and the Roots of the Dragon. It shows their Ancestral past. It shows their Celestial future. What of Rachel's choice of colour? Except for the browns of the Fairy, and the whites of the Dragon, I detect two shades of a primary colour - that of Purple. The darker Purple, is found upon this Fairy's dress, which together with the whispers, found upon her Fairy Wings - speak to me of Royalty. Perhaps she is a Fairy Queen? Whether a Queen of Elements, or a Queen of Butterflies - I cannot say ... Perhaps both? On the other hand, does the lighter Purple, the Lavender - speak to me of both the delicate, and the refinement of this Fairy and her Dragon. This Fairy Queen, may very well sit upon the Mountain Top - but in Gusts of Wind, has she fought her way, to be at the Apex of both her, and her Dragon's Power. Overall: An unusual scene of Fairyland, that shows more connections - between Dragon's and their Fairies. I love the fact that Rachel has chosen to represent, a different Fairy to what we might expect to encounter, at the tip of a Mountain, and at the base of the Clouds. As this Fairy Roots on Mountain, the Foundation Power of Dragon Kin, brought her a Scene - Evanescent plus Eye.

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Fairyland

Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast

The Tinkering of an Animal Fairy, with the Mystery of Something Gruff:

Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast - this films something of a Tear Jerker!
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast - this films something of a Tear Jerker!

Within the Realms of Pixie Hollow, lives an Animal Fairy: who goes by the name of Fawn. A friend of Tinker Bells, with a Heart of Gold, and a scatty personality - that sees her caring, for ALL the Woodland Critters (even a baby Hawk). Yet Fawn's Heart, at logger-heads with her Head, sees her test the patience, of both Queen Clarion, and her Scout Fairy protector (called Nyx). Akin to Tinker Bell, is Fawn unable to resist, the mystery of a Forest Growl. Thus, do the adventures of Fawn begin! I like the fact that this film's storyline, revolves around a single (main) theme: that it's best not to judge a book by it's cover. At first, does the NeverBeast - scare Fawn. At second, does the NeverBeast - scare me! (as he lives within some darkened woods). But with persistence, does Fawn - learn more about the NeverBeast, as she seeks to earn his trust. My three favourite comedy scenes are: when Fawn first meets the NeverBeast (as she plays dead, then freezes, then LOOKS BIG - all with a twist of scatty), when Fawn does her Monkey impression (I almost fell off my seat - especially with the irony of Nyx's stern face), and when Fawn's dressed in Fur (to catch the attention of the NeverBeast - as this seems more befitting of Rosetta!). I initially found it odd, that this film focused primarily on Fawn - yet after watching several times, I have found myself impressed by this approach: as Fawn is the only Fairy, that could have befriended the NeverBeast! Even accounting for the fact, that it's Fawn that removes the thorn from the NeverBeast's paw - I feel that the magic of the storyline, stems from the bond, that's found between Fawn and the NeverBeast: as she's his friend! Whilst I understand where Nyx (the Scout Fairy) is coming from, I feel that her character, could have been more investigative (like Fawn's) - as opposed to being tunnel-visioned: just out to get the NeverBeast. Overall: a film that's less about Tinker Bell (although she's still in it), that's more about Fawn (who holds the film - being just as scatty as Tinker Bell), that's entwined with mystery (green clouds, comets plus stars, and the building of four towers), that's also able to bury-down-deep within your emotions, and make you cry (as this films something of a Tear Jerker - especially at the end, when the Fairies of Pixie Hollow, have to say goodbye to the NeverBeast, their friend).

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: The NeverBeast (Trailer)

Luminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Ammonites of this Time, and Ferns of the Ageless, what is it that you Sea, when this Fairy - sat upon these Stones?

Luminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Luminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

To the Moonlight of this Night, in the Stars of the Cosmos - with the shape of a Rune, read Luminescent. To the Loops of this Scroll, in the Writings of a Dragon - with the glow of the Lunar, shone Luminescent. To the Stones of this Land, in the Hidden of this Realm - with the speak of a Moonstone, showed Luminescent. In the Curves of his Tongue, with the hint of a Meaning - two Spirals of Thought, Luminescent and Wise. I feel that this artwork is full of hidden meanings, that stem particularly, from the mystery - of the Glowing Runes. Such hidden meanings, are dependant upon - both the Moonlight of this scene, and the position of the Dragon. As such, it seems to me, that this Dragon shares with this Fairy - the secrets of a Dragon's Tale. I speak in Elven: the magic of the Moon, and of it's Lunar Verse. The Moon is the Key, which unlocks this Dragon's Tale. It empowers the Runes, which glow in turquoise, and link themselves in colour - to this Dragon's Tail. I speak in Dwarven: the masters of Stone, and hammerers of these - Lunar Scribes. The Stone is a medium, which contains this Dragon's Glyphs. It's colours in grey, contrast the Runes - that trace out a Path, reminiscent of spiral plus curve (the Dragon's Tail). I speak in Dragon: the Seers of this Language, and Wards of this - Dragon Land. The Language is Art, which contains this - Dragon's Verse. It's words link the Runes, which give height to the scene, and bring balance to the centre of this - Fantasy Dream. What of this Dragon's Tale? Well ... When I look at the base of the ground (at the bottom of this Fairy's Dress), did I notice the Curves of the Ancient - that of a long gone Sea Creature: the tell-tale-shapes of Ammonite. Perhaps indeed, there's a connection - between this Dragon and the Ammonites. What could such a connection be? Well ... I feel as though were looking at the Dragon's past. Perhaps this Dragon was once an Ammonite? If that were so, then it seems as if, these Waves of Rune-light, have pulled back the Tide - to give us a glimpse, of what once had been! I find it hard to say, whether the Fairy has noticed these Ammonites or not - as her gaze would appear to be, just for the Dragon and his Runes. As such, I feel that the Stones and their Runes, are Keys to the Past - both Dragon and Land. And yet, if we look at the Ferns (at the base of this image), is there a twist - of Fairy Glamour! For in the green of the Ferns, tinted by Moon - do I foresee, Pastures of New. What could such Pastures be? Well ... If we look at the Wings of this Fairy, then it is easy to see - that both their shape and their colour, are the same as Dragon Wings! If we also look, at this Fairy's hair - then at first glance, does it Shimmer of Old. Yet, with a look at her skin - does this Fairy's hair, Shimmer of New. Thus, do I feel that these Pastures of New, are reminiscent of Butterfly (the shape of the Fairy plus Dragon Wings), together with the White of the Moon: the Magic of Fairy to be found, at the rise of this - New Moon! The never ending cycle of Moonlight - that sees both Butterfly and Dragon, uncoil and fly this Night. Overall: An exciting Fantasy scene, that speaks of Moonlight - within the context of a Dragon's Tale. I love the way that Rachel has captured the authority of the Dragon - it's as though this Fairy has settled down, to be charmed by this Bedtime Tale. As this Fairy Dreams of Sleep, the gentle Wisps of Dragon Power, showed her a Scene of - Luminescent plus Tail.

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