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The Victorian Hawk Dragon has currently reviewed the following:

Fire Phoenix - Egyptian Fire God - King Tut

Be Egyptian King. Be Empires Rise. A Fire Phoenix - knows which is which. Be Egyptian Queen. Be Egyptian Conquer. A Fire Phoenix - knows whom is whom. Be Egyptian God. Be Egyptian Empire. A Fire Phoenix - knows guard of guard. Forever woven, in Egyptian Fire - a Fire Phoenix, of King Tut:

Fire Phoenix - Egyptian Fire God -  King Tut
Fire Phoenix - Egyptian Fire God - King Tut

Empires rise. Empires fall. In Ancient Egypt, who would know? The Pharaoh of King Tut! For Paths of Life, and Paths of Dead, go hand-in-hand, with Pharaoh Rule. He built an Empire, in a Day - known Ancient Egypt, through Today. He built a Kingdom, in a Night - known Ancient Heaven, through Tonight. He built a God, in Paths of Death - known Ancient Deity, through this Time. For King Tut knew ... The Riddles of a Fire so Bright. The Spells of a Fire so High. The Wards of a Phoenix so Fiery! He cast his spell, one Dark Sky - in blends of Orange, and of Red. He sung his rhyme, one Dark Eve - in blends of Yellow, and of Gold. He made his magic, one Dark Night - in blends of Crimson, and of Ochre. And behold ... A Fearsome Guardian, had he made - to guard his Empire, and his Realm. A Screaming Sentinel, had he birthed - to guard his Kingdom, and his Fortune. A Secret Ward, had he forged - to guard his Lineage, and his Sarcophagus ... For King Tut knew, that once he fell ... Wars of Egypt, near and far - invading foes, squabbling generals. Wars of Rule, harsh and cruel - invading famine, bicker plenty. Wars of Gold, bronze and yellow - invading tarnish, squander others! And so it was ... Entombment, in his Mummy Wraps - resin dew, drape of cloth. Entombment, in his Sarcophagus - locked within, Wards on cask. Entombment, in his Pyramid - placed beneath, Temple shrine. Whilst outside - Vultures gather! Yet in youth, King Tut chose, that his Kingdom, be for him - not for them! King Tut pondered, whilst he thought, ways to Guard, ways to Keep! King Tut versed, in Egyptian Lore ... Egyptian Birds, with Power of Flight - thy feathered fiend, fly so high. Egyptian Hieroglyph, with Power of Word - thy Egyptian Falcon, and his Spirit. Egyptian Rune, with Power of Ward - thy Seeing Eye, of Watchfulness. But still to learn, King Tut did - Egyptian Phoenix, and his Hieroglyph ... It came to him, one Dark Night, in Dreams of Conquest, and of Conquer :) Egyptian Phoenix - Egyptian Guard - Egyptian Hieroglyph! He knew at once, which Ward to set, upon his Temple, in Sarcophagus! Ssshhh ... Not tell a Soul :) For only King Tut would know, just what it is, these Powers of Fire, imbued within - his Guardian Fire Phoenix ... Born of the Sun God Ra, his Fire Phoenix - bore Bright of Day, in Dark of Night. Born of the Sun God Heliopolis, his Fire Phoenix - bore Heat of Furnace, in Cave of Cosmos. Born of the Sun Gods Ra and Heliopolis, his Fire Phoenix - bore Molten Blade, in Darkest Pit! As he called, all of those, who'd come for him, and his Fortune of Gold! His Wards were set ... In his Pyramid of Ancient Egypt, though none would see. In his Temple of Worship, though none would know. In his Sarcophagus of Underworld, though none would guess. And so it was, for all of Time, and all of Legend! King Tut slept, beneath his Wards, beneath his Guardian Fire Phoenix - beneath his Egyptian Fire God :) But alas! It was not to be ... With rise of Dawn, came Warring Army. With rise of Day, came Greedy Men. With rise of Night, came Plunder Loot! His Fire Phoenix awoke! Burning Tree, Rise of Ash! Piercing Scream, Falcon Beak. Bennu! Bennu! Egyptian Bird - Shine so Bright :) Bennu! Bennu! Egyptian Falcon - Rise so Brilliantly :) Bennu! Bennu! Egyptian Fire Bird - Soul Reborn :) And so it was ... Did King Tut rise, and Burn the Sky, of those that Dared, to awaken him - from his Underworld! For in Death, had King Tut changed. He knew what then, just what it meant, this Fire Phoenix Hieroglyph :) For Guardian Fire Phoenix, Egyptian Fire God - had cast it's Spell, upon his Form. King Tut could fly! King Tut could soar! King Tut could hunt - all of those, that Dared to take, his precious Gold! Phoenix Fire, Phoenix Blazed, through his Foes - in his Empires of the Night :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Tom Wood Fantasy Art King Tutankhamun

Viking Dragon - Sentinel of the Skies - Western Dragon

On the Teeth-like Rocks, in the Guise of a Western. At the Crest of a Tide, in the Cries of a War-host. That's just where you'll find him - Viking Dragon, and his Viking Longboat:

Viking Dragon - Sentinel of the Skies - Western Dragon - Tom Wood
Viking Dragon - Sentinel of the Skies - Western Dragon - Tom Wood

For when the Vikings go to War, is it not just their Longboats, and their Viking Warriors, that they take to Conflict! For there's also their Dragons, their Sentinels of the Skies ... In Mighty Red and Conquering Green, they match their Longboats - Sails and All. With twist of Silver, Armoured Clad, they match their Longboats - Shields and All. With cries of Roar, Piercing Shrill, they match their Longboats - Drums and All! For this Sentinel of the Skies, and his Viking Warriors, has just made - Landfall ... To Newfoundland have they come, this Western Dragon, and his Raiding Party - the first of their Kind, a Herald of their Viking War Fleet, from across the Atlantic. A Treacherous Expanse, of Open Ocean, that honed these Warriors, in thoughts of Odin: To War, to War! To Conquer, to Conquer! To Pillage, to Pillage! This Newfoundland :) From Scandinavia they spread, in Ages of Dark, with Rays of Light, that Shined the Way - yet always following, the Paths of the Warrior ... For this Viking People, tamed their Dragons, in Ages Past, to Fight for them ... These Viking Dragons, know of Norse - both how to Speak, and Riddle with Script. These Viking Dragons, know of Odin - both being Cruel, Kind and Wise. These Viking Dragons, know Valkyrie - both Wingless Angel, and Souls to Valhalla! For to them, to Die in Battle, at the front of a Viking War-host, donned Valkyrie's Hero: a Dragon's Glory, in which you'd find, the Bodies of the Slain, piled all around them :) For these Viking Dragons, are a Western Kin ... With Dragon Wings, they Soar the Skies, and Dance through Clouds. With Dragon Fire, they Burn the Woods, and Heat the Anvil. With Dragon Teeth, they Drink the Foes, and Grin of Wrath. With Dragon Armour, they Turn the Arrow, and Bend the Sword. With Dragon Claws, they Slash the Ways, and Slice the Enemy. With Dragon Tails, they Wrap the Rocks, and Anchor Themselves. For these Viking Dragons, know of - the Art of War ... A Dragon lands on a Precipice, to survey the Land. A Dragon elongates his Neck, to view Around. A Dragon sniffs the Air, to smell of Foe. A Dragon licks his Tongue, to answer This, of Riddle God: What is this - Newfoundland? Just the Jagged Outcrop, of a Mountainous Rock? Just the Patterned Layers, of an Eroded Sea Scape? Just the Alcove Shape, of a Secluded Lagoon? But with a Sniff and a Lick, does this Dragon know, the answer to this Conquest's Riddle: for he's a Viking Dragon, that's been Bred and Raised, in the Castles of War :) He smells the Tide of Conflict, ten thousand Foes to march on him. He tastes the Air of Battle Lines, ten thousand Foes to come to him. He feels the Power of Enemy Commander, ten thousand Foes to aim at him. But this Dragon does not Cower, for he's a Western Might! He Plants his Feet, and Wraps his Tail, around his Teeth-like Rock. He Focuses his Eyes (through Armoured Helm), knowing well - Horizon Glare. He Roars a Dragon's Defiance, amongst the Cliffs of Armoured Sea - calling in he's Dragons Kin. For this Viking Dragon's, just the Herald, of a thousand Viking Longboats, and their Dragon Sentinels! And if he Falls, before they get here? Then to Valhalla will he go, on the Wings of a Valkyrie, off from Newfoundland - to Odin's Dragon Land :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Tom Wood Fantasy Art Dragon Land

Mermaid of Atlantis - Pirates Mermaid

Masters of Atlantis, and Guardians of the Sea, a Pirates Mermaid Hoards - the Treasures of the Deep:

Mermaid of Atlantis - Pirates Mermaid
Mermaid of Atlantis - Pirates Mermaid

In the Temple of Atlantis, in the Depths of the Sea - with the Power of a Tempest, was the Hurricane First Conceived. In the Nurturing of a Mermaid, in the Hands of a Mother - with the Wrath of a God, was the Cyclone Matured in Rage. In the Whirling of a Storm, in the Calm of the Eye - with the Guide of a Mermaid, lay the Seeds of Atlantis: rise now young Hurricane, to the Surface of the Seas! At the front of the Waves, do the Mermaids gather - to see the Fruits of their Bounty: a Ship of Wood, a Ship of Iron. Sink, Sink, to the Treasures of Atlantis: Gems in Gold, Ruby and Turquoise! For here did I find her - amongst the Hoards of a Pirate, and the Perch of a Parrot ... A Mermaid of Atlantis was She - who Barred the Gates to Atlantis, and the Path to Poseidon. A Mermaid of Pirates was She - who Guards the Port of Atlantis, and the Way to Tortuga ... For in her Pirate's Eye Patch, did I Sea - an X Marks the Spot, in Cross and Bone. For in her Pirate's Eye, did I Sea - a Tempest's Wrath, in Swirl and White. For in her Pirate's Mark, did I Sea - a Dolphin's Guise, in Elbows End. For in her Pirate's Verse, did I Sea - a Tempest's Shape, in Bellys Plain. For in her Pirate's Vine, did I Sea - a Motley Brand, in Wrists of Hand. For in her Pirate's Parrot, did I Sea - a Seaweed's Green, in Bobbing Wave. As it is with these Mermaids, and their Pirates Ways - for She, is a Pirates Mermaid :) But what of this Pirate's Atlantis? Well ... Amongst the Twisting Weeds, of a Sea Life Green, and the Rising Bubbles, of an Ocean Giant - this City of Atlantis, Emerged from the Depths! With it's Grey Hewn Slabs, and it's Whitened Pillars. With it's Silver Paving, and it's Shadowed Roofs. With it's Temple of Atlantis, and it's Temple of Poseidon - this Temple of a Cyclone, in this City of Atlantis! But what of this Pirates Mermaid, and her Swashbuckling Ways? Well ... With her Hair in Brown, that Reigns in Sea. With her Crown in Green, that Adorns from Head. With her Nails in Red, that Speaks of Gem. With her Turquoise Twist, that Shines of Jewel. With her Tail in Gold, that Flicks Away. With her Fin in Red, that Shimmers Bright. This Pirates Mermaid, Danced her Dance - within thy Remnants of, this Admiral's Galleon, and her Bounty's Hoard :) But what of her Pirate's Parrot? Well ... Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Shone a Light, on Waters Deep. Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Knew a Way, to Pieces Eight. Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Bobbed in Time, to Ocean's Tune! Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Winked his Way, to Captain's Hoard :) As it is with these Mermaids, and their Swashbuckling Ways ... In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Captain - Danced Away, in Hempen Jig. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Queen - Darted in, amongst thy Sails. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Guardian - Shielded in, amongst thy Masts. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Regnant - Floated in, amongst thy Planks. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Quest - Bobbing in, amongst thy Decks. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Treasure - Honing in, amongst thy Winds. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Harbinger - Smiling in, amongst thy Waves :) For She ... Is a Pirates Mermaid, that Guards the Gates to Atlantis, and Hoards the Treasures of the Deep - My Pirates Queen :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink

Werewolf - Tom Wood - Fantasy Art

In the Darkest of the Nights. In the Whitest of the Moon. In the Thickets of the Woods. In the Guise of a Werewolf:

Werewolf - Tom Wood - Fantasy Art
Werewolf - Tom Wood - Fantasy Art

Within this Woodland Realm, lurks He - who Snarls this Night. Within this Misty Wood, lurks He - who Lures this Eve. Within this Moonlight Realm, lurks He - who Howls this Twilight. Within this Forest Glen, lurks He - who Walks this Path! But what Path would that be then? Well ... Thy Path of thy Werewolf - but of course :) For it is an Ancient Path, that's Steeped in Lore ... For only in the Darkest Nights, in the Darkest Woods - can you See Them. For only in the Brightest Moons, in the Brightest Haze - can you Hear Them. For only in the Blackest Clouds, in the Blackest Skies - can you Feel Them. For only in the Whitest Mists, in the Whitest Dews - can you Sense Them. For only in the ... Growl! On a Night like this, in a Forest like this - may you See Them ... Steeped in Lore, and Steeped in Fantasy. Steeped in Myth, and Steeped in Sight. Steeped in Shadow, and Steeped in Lunar. For I see a Werewolf - in his Bestial Form ... With Fur on Muscle, both Long and Flow. With Claws to Tear, both Sharp and Point. With Tail of Whip, both Twirl and Slender. With Piercing Eyes, both Green and Maleficent. With Skeletal Hands, both Strong and Vice. With Nose to Sniff, both Hunt and Stalk. As it is with these Werewolves, and their Hunting Ways ... Built for Battle, in their Heightened Frenzy. Built for Speed, in their Paws of Four. Built for Ravage, in their Strength of Ten. Built for Chase, in their Mark of Wolf. Built for Warring, in their Need for Fight. Built for Pack, in thy Brothers Will! For this Werewolf is ... Thy Master, of this Midnight's Path :) But can this Werewolf see me? Well ... With a Sniff of Scent - his Torso Twisted. With a Hint of Sweat - his Sharpened Claws. With a Sound of Rustle - his Barring Teeth. With a Snap of Twig - his Growling Voice. With a Tremble of Branch - his Glowing Eyes. With a Sense of Fear - he's Honed on You! As it is with these Werewolves, and their Sense of Self ... Some Tattered Jeans, around his Waist - no Human Eyes, just Greenish Glow. Some Whispers of Man, around his Chest - no Human Skin, just Wolf-like Fur. Some Stance of King, around his Form - no Human Cower, just Strength of Wolf. Growl!! Thy Werewolf and his Victim ... No Thought of Reason, just Dream of Hunger. No Look of Friend, just Guise of Prey. No Need of Logic, just Want of Eat. Growl!!! For this Werewolf, is Home in both - Dark Fantasy, and Heart of Woods. For this Werewolf, is Known by both - Creatures of Night, and Guardian of Forest. For this Werewolf, is Slave in both - Powers of Moon, and Lunar Hour. For this Werewolf, is Pride in both - Secret Woods, and Regal Guise. For this Werewolf, is Herald in both - Harbinger of Death, and Hunting Pack. For this Werewolf, is King in both - Midnight's Realm, and Darkest Nights. He'd Seen Me!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Tom Wood Fantasy Art

The Hobbit - Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Novel

This Classic Fantasy Tale, sees a Quest for Treasure, in the Lost Kingdoms of the Dwarves, with a Guardian Fire Drake of the North, who goes by the name of Smaug. It's The Hobbit:

The Hobbit - Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Novel
The Hobbit - Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Novel

Whilst it had been quite some time, since I'd last read The Hobbit, I was amazed with the amount of humour, that's found within it's opening chapters (particularly the very first - An Unexpected Party). I especially found it funny, when the leader of the Dwarves (Thorin Oakenshield), ended up with several of his fellow Dwarves, right on top of him - when The Hobbit (aka Bilbo Baggins), abruptly opened his front door :) I also liked the fact, that Bilbo initially has no idea, as to what is going on - why are all these Dwarves here? But soon finds himself, pouring over a Treasure Map, wondering where the Secret Door is! Which in-turn, leads to Bilbo and the start of his Adventures - having just been recruited by the Dwarves (based upon the recommendation, of Gandalf the Wizard). And it is this recommendation, that I feel captures the Heart and Soul, of this Fantasy Tale ... As The Hobbit does not at first, appear to be the best companion, for Thorin and his Dwarves - let alone their Quest! For one simple reason: The Hobbit / Bilbo Baggins, has only ever read about Adventures in books - preferring instead, to put his feet up, and have his second breakfast :) Indeed, is this low opinion of Bilbo, held by Thorin Oakenshield, and several of his Dwarves - which plays right into, Bilbo's desire to prove them all wrong :) And as such, did I enjoy the irony (that is experienced), as Bilbo's character, becomes central to the Tale - even gaining a Strength of Character, that supersedes the Dwarves (as eventually, he is more of an advisor to them). I found this particularly true, in three specific places: i) When Bilbo rescues the Dwarves - from the Darker Fantasy Spiders (otherwise the Dwarves would have been a juicy meal). ii) When Bilbo rescues the Dwarves - from the Not So Friendly Elves (otherwise the Dwarves would have been captive, in the Dungeons of the Elves for quite sometime). iii) When Bilbo is asked by the Dwarves, to tackle the Dragon Smaug (the Guardian Fire Drake of the North) - as Thorin and his Dwarves, dared not to enter, their own Underground Kingdom ... Yet in all three, do I feel that Bilbo's character, has come a long way - but still remains the same, as that first cheeky Hobbit, who dared to pick the pocket of a Mountain Troll, and land them all in a Stew! What of the Tale's other Fantasy Characters? Well ... There's three, that I quite like ... First: is Beorn (the shape-shifter). I liked the idea of a Man, that could take the form of a Bear - whilst also being able to talk, to an entire variety of animals (from Bees to Horses). I also liked the idea, of Beorn's Gardens and Lands - as he uses his shape-shifting powers, to guard his Domain, against the creatures of Darker Fantasy (such as Goblins and Wargs). I especially enjoyed, the comedy that surrounds the introduction of the Dwarves to Beorn (which is again contrived by Gandalf) - enter two by two, a minute or so after each other, OH! you may as well all come in then! Second: is Smaug (the Fire Drake). Being a Western Dragon, he meets this definition in every sense of his Being - large, powerful, clever (enjoying Riddles), breathing Fire, rows and rows of Teeth, armour as strong as Steel, hoarding Treasure, rending walls and eating all (especially Men and Dwarves). Yet does Smaug, still have a twist of an Eastern Dragon - the ability to speak :) And as such, did I enjoy Bilbo's conversations with him, especially when Bilbo thought, that he could outwit a Dragon! Bilbo dares to steal a Golden Cup - yet Dragons know, every ounce of their Treasure :) For Smaug's personality, is the Darkest of the Dark - it's HIS Mountain, and it's HIS Treasure, that HE stole from the Dwarves, a Long Time Ago. Third: is Thorin Oakenshield. I found that his character, tended to fluctuate somewhat. On the one hand, he will take charge (such as when planning a Quest for Treasure, or meeting a Great Goblin in Battle) - but on the other hand, can Thorin tend to give up in a huff (such as when the Dwarves, are unable to find the Mountain's Secret Door). An interesting character then - as we have to remember, that it was Thorin's Quest in the first place! And of that Quest, does Thorin also wish to retake, his Lost Dwarven Kingdom - of the Mountain. It's a Dwarven Kingdom, where I enjoyed imagining - what it would once have been like, at the height of it's powers: Countless Dwarves - mining Crystals and Gems, Endless Dwarves - Forging Swords and Armour, Robust Dwarves - hewn by the Harshness of the Rocks, Timeless Dwarves - hewn by the Ages of Old, and the Timelessness of Bonds :) And it is these Bonds, that Thorin's most Treasured Treasure (the Arkenstone), is most directly - at conflict with! For the Arkenstone (to me), seems to represent Greed (both Bilbo Baggins, and Thorin's). Thus, was I not too surprised - by the disagreement that arises, between Thorin and Bilbo! Although I was surprised, when Thorin pulls it back, and makes amends with Bilbo, just in the nick of time :) Overall: I feel that The Hobbit, is an enjoyable Fantasy Tale, that successfully incorporates, the important features, from the Sword and Sorcery Fantasy genre. The Swords are the Dwarves, Elves and Men - with the twist of a Hobbit, who could not hope to lift a Sword! But a Knife/Dagger - Bilbo can do that :) The Sorcery is directly from Gandalf, and indirectly from the Dragon's Hoard, and the Dwarves Arkenstone (their Achilles Heel). The Darker Elements, come from the Dragon and the Goblins, together with the Fantasy Character called Gollum (who Bilbo meets beneath the Mountains). Whose Gollum you say? For me, he's a key ingredient, to the popularity of Bilbo - as after Bilbo meets Gollum, does Bilbo's character, seem to tend towards an advisor (for the Dwarves). Thus do I feel, that it seems to be Fate, that Bilbo was destined for Adventure - in the first place :) Finally: an important question arises - is it still worth reading The Hobbit book, after you have watched the three Hobbit Fantasy Films? Yes is the answer to that! The Hobbit book, I found to be much simpler (less extravagant), and as such did it seem - much more magical :) Just one thing remains, where is that Treasure Map? And thank goodness for the Adventurous side - of the Took in Baggins :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink

The Lunatic Cafe - Anita Blake

Being the fourth Vampire novel, in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, do I find this Dark and Urban Fantasy Tale, to be a passionate mix of both Anita's Love Life, and thy Secret Realms - of thy Werewolves:

The Lunatic Cafe - Anita Blake
The Lunatic Cafe - Anita Blake

Being hip deep in both, it's as though Anita, is on the verge of drowning ... Her Passions Run Deep, and a Promise is a Promise - Deputy Numb Nuts :) And yes, there's a fair amount of humour, within this Fantasy Tale! For me though, is this intermixed, with an important underlying theme - that of Family ... There's the Werewolves and their Pack Order. There's the Vampires and their Hands Off. There's the Spook Squad and their Silver Bullets. And in the middle of all three, can you find - Anita!!! I liked the fact that Anita, refused to give up her friend - even if her boyfriend, was his Alpha. I liked the fact that Anita, shed a tear or two - even if her rival, was her Jealous. I liked the fact that Anita, stemmed the flow of blood - even if her colleague, was her Rag (aka joker). For it's Anita's Character, and her sense of self, that flows throughout this tale. For it's Anita's Enemies, and their stance of power, that stalks throughout this tale. For it's Anita's Weapons, and their sense of comfort, that beds throughout this tale. And in all of this? Is there Jean-Claude, who wants a date! Fairs Fair Anita, give me a chance to woo you - as you did to me :) Now, if there's one part that shocked me (the most) within this tale, then I would say - it's the hierarchy of the Werewolves. The tale here, gave me a sense, that they were all: out of control! Insane Pack Order, seemed to help with this ... There's two Master Werewolves, but neither has - over all control. One prefers Peace - the other: Head on a Block. One requests Anita - the other: Seeds of Lust. One's Richard. One's Marcus. One's Marcus. One's Richard. For it's Werewolf Central, that's Caged behind - Closed Doors, and Sound Proof Walls. Or is it? As in this tale, did I find that the Secrets of the Werewolves - flowed like a River :) And in that River, that goes by the name of Shape Shifter, did I find both Mythical Creatures, and their Fantasy/Lore ... For example: I've never heard of a Naga before, but here - is their an Immortal Being, with the Skin of a Snake. I've never heard of a Were-Swan before, but here - is their the lowest of the Shape Shifters, especially in Feathered White! And of the Werewolves themselves? I was most intrigued, because their Human Lives, seemed to be lived in the pursuit, of challenging their Human Shackles. There's two that I would say, challenged this more than others - and no, it's not the Alphas! The two Fantasy Characters that I'm thinking of (one Woman one Man), both made me laugh (especially the woman - over whose rules she follows!), and both surprised me (over just how low they could steep - in their pursuits of pleasure?). Fortunately, throughout all of this, did I find Anita's Character - to be a rock. Even if at times, it is only the cold hard steel, that she clamps down on - but where is her gun? Choices! Choices! As for the other Characters within this Fantasy tale, it's mostly Cops. I didn't like some of these, and neither does Anita. There's a whole part (near the beginning of the book), that just seems totally crazy - with certain Deputies, taking their orders, too literally ... It is also here that I feel, that the tale does a decent job, of portraying some of the lunacies, of interstate boundaries (between various police forces) - although as you will see, there's a twist here to! And as for Anita? It made me laugh, that she was concerned primarily, with an important question (or two): Can she date a Werewolf? Can she date a Monster? AKA: Is Richard really a Monster? And what of Jean-Claude? Choices! Choices! Fortunately for Anita, does she have a trusty friend to help her: a Penguin or two :) Overall: I enjoyed reading about the Werewolves within this tale, even if I feel, that some of their Urban Fantasy, shocked me a little (as it seemed a little Darker - than I've encountered before). I also found myself thinking, of the Wolf in Werewolf - more than the Man in Werewolf. Although the twist towards the end (involving a Witch and her Magic), brought new meaning to the term - Shape Shifter! For it's a Witch's Spell, that Anita Blake does cast. For it's an Animator's Gift, that Anita Blake, can look a Vampire in the Eye. For she's a Vampire Hunter, with a Werewolf called Richard, a Bounty Hunter called Death - and a Promise is a Promise! Deputy Numb Nuts :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Laurell K Hamilton

Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen

In Angel's Kingdom, Fires be Raised. In Heaven's Sent, Suns be Burned. Born of Raging and of Fury - this Shimmering Queen, Flickers of thy Flame to See:

Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen
Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen

Flying through her Fire's Domain, thinking of thy Chains to Pull. One Link here, one Link there - Eyelet here, Eyelet there. Hovering in her Fiery Realm, dreaming of thy Souls to Name. One Rune here, one Rune there - Twisting here, Twisting there. Guarding in her Fiery Reign, knowing of thy Roots to Rule. One Stare here, one Stare there - Halo here, Halo there ... What did you see? These Chains of Fire, knew Angel Fell. These Haloes of Fire, knew Queen Eclipse. These Souls of Fire, knew Tongue Salamander ... What did you dream? These Chains of Sin, knew Devil Stair. These Rings of Rule, knew Monarch's Glare. These Spirits of Flame, knew Flick of Dare ... What did you muse? These Chains of Iron, knew Heaven's Spite. These Crowns of Throne, knew Heaven's Wrath. These Sparks in Blaze, knew Myths of Ember ... They spoke to me of Angel Fire. They spoke to me of Fiery Realms. They spoke to me of Magma's Heat. They spoke to me of Angel's Dark. They spoke to me of Fiery Verse. They spoke to me of Magma's Spells :) What did you feel? Passions in thy Heart so Pure - Inferno Goddess, all her Power. Ambitions in thy Soul so Rule - Queen Element, all her Glory. Trusting in thy Guard so Right - Angel Guardian, all her Realm. Learnings in thy Penance so Bare - Archangel, all her Guise. Knowings in thy Phoenix so Rise - Elven Witch, all her Riddles. Believing in thy Wings so Strong - Watchful Eye, all her Province :) For it was indeed, I came across her in my Fire ... These Dancing Flames of Chains in Time. These Leaping Licks of Grates in Iron. These Rising Heats of Leather's Band. These Glowing Rings of Halos There. These Charcoal Runes of Writhing Heat. These Burning Eyes of Madam's Stare! For it was indeed, I came across her in my Way ... These Fiery Forms known Guardian Angel. These Phoenix Forms known Fire Fairy. These Regal Forms known Angel Queen. These Eclipsing Capes known Dark Angel. These Shadowed Cloaks known Dark Fairy. These Silhouette Folds of Madam's Power! Forges of her Fire's Domain. Embers of her Queenly Guard. Heralds of her Burning Reign. Salamander ... Guardians of her Fire's Empire. Tenders of her Queenly Ways. Curators of her Dancing Flames. Salamander ... Sung to Me: Flame in War, Flame in Siege, Flame in Conquest, Flame in Fight, Flame in Battle, Flame in Knight - but know this my King, thy Breath of Fire, Belongs to Me!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art

Dragon Sentinel - Dragon Land

There be those places in this Dragon Land, that still-guard, the Treasures of the Ammonite. Be Runic Glyph. Be Lavas Heat. This Dragon's Rock, with twists of Ancient. This Dragon's Spire, with curves of Tale. This Dragon's Perch, with scribes so Wise. Donned Ward of Power. Known Vault of Lore. This Dragon's Place, with watch so Sentry :) This Dragon's Tower - of Dragon Sentinel:

Dragon Sentinel - Dragon Land
Dragon Sentinel - Dragon Land

It's where the Perch's Architects drew their Lore - of Dragons Guard, and Dragons Form. It's where the Sleeping Sentinels spied their Lore - of Dragons Hoard, and Dragons Stealth. It's where the Primeval Watchers scribed their Lore - of Dragons Time, and Dragons Stone. It's where the Foundry's Blacksmiths smelt their Lore - of Dragons Arm, and Dragons War. It's where the Wisest Warlocks chant their Lore - of Dragons Power, and Dragons Myth. It's where the Element's Warriors learned their Lore - of Dragons Dream, and Dragons Muse. Where's that then? Why ... In Dragon Sentinel, of Dragon Land - but of course :) For within this Dragons Land, be thy Dragons Wards - in Midnight's Realm, a Dragons Sentinel! For only in Two Moonlit Sky, can you find the Runes - of Ancestral Dragons Past ... Thy shape of Ammonite, with Twist of Ancestor. Thy way of Tone, with Sound of Sea. Thy rise of Glyph, with Arc of Cuttle. Thy coil of Spiral, with Wind of Sea. Thy curve of Nautilus, with Thought of Lineage. Thy hint of Meaning, with Rune of Fossil ... What's that you say? A Hidden Riddle! These Passer-bys, know not for sure. These Passer-bys, know not look up. These Passer-bys, know not of Power. These Passer-bys, know not of Fire. These Passer-bys, know not of Perch. These Passer-bys, know not of He! As it is with these Dragons, and their Hidden Ways. As it is with these Dragons, and their Magic Wards. As it is with these Dragons, and their Treasured Secrets. As it is with these Dragons, and their Emerald Griffins :) But - what's that you say? He's not a Griffin! Well ... Clad in Armour, clad in Gold - Anointed Guardian, knows of you. Clad in Whisper, clad in Hush - Silent Sentry, watches you. Clad in Timeless, clad in Bound - Runic Keeper, knows of thee. Clad in Talon, clad in Barbed - Tireless Warrior, watches thee. As it is with these Western Dragons, and their Griffin's Role ... Set in Stone, Guard through Time. Cast in Iron, Watch through Age. Bed in Marble, Hard as Rock. Cast in Metal, Hot as Fire. Rest in Bedrock, Wise through Eon. Stirred in Guard, Woke through you! This Dragon Sentinel, of Midnight's Realm - revealed in Moonlight, came for you!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art Dragon Land

Galrauch - Chaos Dragon - Black Dragon

Of all the Chaos Dragons, there is none more spoken of - than Galrauch. What once was Elven Dragon, Golden Drake. Became twisted and deformed, as with the Powers of Chaos! For it was upon the battlefield that Elven triumphed, but just for the smallest Twist of Time ... Having consumed a Seed of Chaos, did Tzeentch (Chaos Sorcerer), work his Magic. Thy Lord of Change, changed this Dragon - from Spire of Light, to Blade of Dark:

Galrauch - Chaos Dragon - Black Dragon
Galrauch - Chaos Dragon - Black Dragon

This is the first such Fantasy Character/Model, that I have ever constructed - which took me a little over eight years to complete! Well ... Not eight years exactly - more like, I just started to assemble and paint, this Warhammer Figure, at the start of this year :) Whys that you say? Perhaps I to, had become Lost in the Realms of Chaos? Or perhaps instead, it was just that I remembered, where the box was! But then again, perhaps it was only now, that I felt just capable - of assembling this model :) Yes, I think that was it ... For I knew from day one, that this model would be difficult to assemble. Whilst I forget when it was, that I first cleaned/filed the metal edges of this Dragon. I know for-well when it was, that I found myself in the Realms of Superglue! Lost in Time, Lost in Glue, did I reach for - my Dremel Multitool :) For it was indeed, that I pinned this Dragon's Wings, to this Dragon's Body ... And here did I learn a lesson: drill the hole in the Dragon's Body first, insert a cocktail stick, trim it (so it's just poking out), add a dab of paint to the end of the cocktail stick (I used red), press each Dragon's Wing to the Dragon's Body, and with a Rune of Tzeentch - do you know just where to drill the matching hole! And what of the cocktail stick? Well ... Just drill it out :) It was then to the Dragon's Heads (which glued on fine), and the Dragon's Tail (which I lost several evenings to - eventually having to pin). Yet, with both the Dragon's Heads and the Dragon's Tail, together with the Dragon's Body - did I have to use Modellers Putty, to fill the gaps :) Thus, do I feel, that it took me about a month (in the evenings), to assemble this model. It was then onto the Realms of Painting ... I started with a white undercoat, then changed to black (both undercoat and base). I then dry-brushed the Dragon in Dragon Red (Army Painter), and highlighted/refined in Magenta Ink (I really loved that part!). I then found myself painting in Warlock Purple (Citadel Colour), along both the edges, and the folds of Daemon flesh - which I again dry-brushed in Magenta Ink. It was here that I decided to paint the Bones, Talons and Barbs of this Dragon ... Undercoat in white first, then Ushabti Bone (Citadel Layer) over the top. This proved to be a challenge - as there was a lot of Bones, Talons and Barbs! I especially found it awkward, along the Finer Bones of this Dragon's Wings. It was then that I consorted with Tzeentch ... For I was lured into a whole multi-coloured spectrum, for the highlights/details of my Chaos Dragon: Angel Green (Army Painter), Amethyst Purple, Emerald Green, Enchanted Blue, Golden Yellow and Tuskgor Fur (all Citadel). I used these colours for the patches of cracked Dragon Skin, and the various Snaking Cords/Veins. It was then that Tzeentch, spoke to me again ... Before I knew what I was doing, had I picked up a paint brush, and started painting shapes over my Dragon's Wings (where the small faces showed through the webbed skin/folds). Then did I battle, for I realised that these were Patches of Contagion - that looked too disjoint to the Dragon's base colours. I eventually resolved this issue, through the use of Tuskgor Fur - painted around the outside, of these Patches of Contagion. It was then, that I remembered my Dragon's Eyes ... I based in white, then painted over with Dragon Red. I was initially concerned about their shape (as some of the red paint ran), but in the end - this worked out fine :) As for the finishing of my Dragon, did I decide to dry-brush in Shining Gold (Citadel Metallic - the really old one). It was as though, I was Tzeentch himself! For my Chaos Dragon, simply snapped into focus - and I found myself in total awe, at the detail, that I'd managed to work in :) Overall: An amazing Western Dragon, Fantasy Model - that I know is Pride of Place, within my collection of Fantasy Characters. It's a model, that I rushed to collect (several years back), but then managed to forget about (for the most part). But recently, I suspect that Tzeentch started to whisper to me (from the Warp), as I found myself dreaming of Galrauch - especially the Desire to both assemble, and paint him! For me, Galrauch is more a Collector's Dragon :) I spent so long painting him (enjoyably), that the thought of fielding him in battle, just scares me! Indeed, was it here that I knew just when my Galrauch was complete - as I started to obsess too much, about dropping him (whilst painting!). Finally: a unique Warhammer Character/Model, that seems to have disappeared largely, from the Ranks of Chaos these days. Whilst we may never know why that is - perhaps Galrauch sleeps? I do know of one Tale, that this Dragon still Reigns in ... Galrauch roars upon thy Field of Battle - knowing not Now, what he Once was. Galrauch roars upon thy Collector's shelf - knowing just Is, what he Became. For Galrauch is a Chaos Dragon :) Writhed in Power. Writhed in Chaos. Off to War, and Hunt the Elven!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Galrauch

mythical creatures - All

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