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The Victorian Hawk Dragon has currently reviewed the following:

Mermaid of Atlantis - Pirates Mermaid

Masters of Atlantis, and Guardians of the Sea, a Pirates Mermaid Hoards - the Treasures of the Deep:

Mermaid of Atlantis - Pirates Mermaid
Mermaid of Atlantis - Pirates Mermaid

In the Temple of Atlantis, in the Depths of the Sea - with the Power of a Tempest, was the Hurricane First Conceived. In the Nurturing of a Mermaid, in the Hands of a Mother - with the Wrath of a God, was the Cyclone Matured in Rage. In the Whirling of a Storm, in the Calm of the Eye - with the Guide of a Mermaid, lay the Seeds of Atlantis: rise now young Hurricane, to the Surface of the Seas! At the front of the Waves, do the Mermaids gather - to see the Fruits of their Bounty: a Ship of Wood, a Ship of Iron. Sink, Sink, to the Treasures of Atlantis: Gems in Gold, Ruby and Turquoise! For here did I find her - amongst the Hoards of a Pirate, and the Perch of a Parrot ... A Mermaid of Atlantis was She - who Barred the Gates to Atlantis, and the Path to Poseidon. A Mermaid of Pirates was She - who Guards the Port of Atlantis, and the Way to Tortuga ... For in her Pirate's Eye Patch, did I Sea - an X Marks the Spot, in Cross and Bone. For in her Pirate's Eye, did I Sea - a Tempest's Wrath, in Swirl and White. For in her Pirate's Mark, did I Sea - a Dolphin's Guise, in Elbows End. For in her Pirate's Verse, did I Sea - a Tempest's Shape, in Bellys Plain. For in her Pirate's Vine, did I Sea - a Motley Brand, in Wrists of Hand. For in her Pirate's Parrot, did I Sea - a Seaweed's Green, in Bobbing Wave. As it is with these Mermaids, and their Pirates Ways - for She, is a Pirates Mermaid :) But what of this Pirate's Atlantis? Well ... Amongst the Twisting Weeds, of a Sea Life Green, and the Rising Bubbles, of an Ocean Giant - this City of Atlantis, Emerged from the Depths! With it's Grey Hewn Slabs, and it's Whitened Pillars. With it's Silver Paving, and it's Shadowed Roofs. With it's Temple of Atlantis, and it's Temple of Poseidon - this Temple of a Cyclone, in this City of Atlantis! But what of this Pirates Mermaid, and her Swashbuckling Ways? Well ... With her Hair in Brown, that Reigns in Sea. With her Crown in Green, that Adorns from Head. With her Nails in Red, that Speaks of Gem. With her Turquoise Twist, that Shines of Jewel. With her Tail in Gold, that Flicks Away. With her Fin in Red, that Shimmers Bright. This Pirates Mermaid, Danced her Dance - within thy Remnants of, this Admiral's Galleon, and her Bounty's Hoard :) But what of her Pirate's Parrot? Well ... Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Shone a Light, on Waters Deep. Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Knew a Way, to Pieces Eight. Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Bobbed in Time, to Ocean's Tune! Her Pirate's Parrot, seemed as if - he Winked his Way, to Captain's Hoard :) As it is with these Mermaids, and their Swashbuckling Ways ... In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Captain - Danced Away, in Hempen Jig. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Queen - Darted in, amongst thy Sails. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Guardian - Shielded in, amongst thy Masts. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Regnant - Floated in, amongst thy Planks. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Quest - Bobbing in, amongst thy Decks. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Treasure - Honing in, amongst thy Winds. In Pirates Lore, this Mermaids Harbinger - Smiling in, amongst thy Waves :) For She ... Is a Pirates Mermaid, that Guards the Gates to Atlantis, and Hoards the Treasures of the Deep - My Pirates Queen :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink

Dragon Sentinel - Dragon Land

There be those places in this Dragon Land, that still-guard, the Treasures of the Ammonite. Be Runic Glyph. Be Lavas Heat. This Dragon's Rock, with twists of Ancient. This Dragon's Spire, with curves of Tale. This Dragon's Perch, with scribes so Wise. Donned Ward of Power. Known Vault of Lore. This Dragon's Place, with watch so Sentry :) This Dragon's Tower - of Dragon Sentinel:

Dragon Sentinel - Dragon Land
Dragon Sentinel - Dragon Land

It's where the Perch's Architects drew their Lore - of Dragons Guard, and Dragons Form. It's where the Sleeping Sentinels spied their Lore - of Dragons Hoard, and Dragons Stealth. It's where the Primeval Watchers scribed their Lore - of Dragons Time, and Dragons Stone. It's where the Foundry's Blacksmiths smelt their Lore - of Dragons Arm, and Dragons War. It's where the Wisest Warlocks chant their Lore - of Dragons Power, and Dragons Myth. It's where the Element's Warriors learned their Lore - of Dragons Dream, and Dragons Muse. Where's that then? Why ... In Dragon Sentinel, of Dragon Land - but of course :) For within this Dragons Land, be thy Dragons Wards - in Midnight's Realm, a Dragons Sentinel! For only in Two Moonlit Sky, can you find the Runes - of Ancestral Dragons Past ... Thy shape of Ammonite, with Twist of Ancestor. Thy way of Tone, with Sound of Sea. Thy rise of Glyph, with Arc of Cuttle. Thy coil of Spiral, with Wind of Sea. Thy curve of Nautilus, with Thought of Lineage. Thy hint of Meaning, with Rune of Fossil ... What's that you say? A Hidden Riddle! These Passer-bys, know not for sure. These Passer-bys, know not look up. These Passer-bys, know not of Power. These Passer-bys, know not of Fire. These Passer-bys, know not of Perch. These Passer-bys, know not of He! As it is with these Dragons, and their Hidden Ways. As it is with these Dragons, and their Magic Wards. As it is with these Dragons, and their Treasured Secrets. As it is with these Dragons, and their Emerald Griffins :) But - what's that you say? He's not a Griffin! Well ... Clad in Armour, clad in Gold - Anointed Guardian, knows of you. Clad in Whisper, clad in Hush - Silent Sentry, watches you. Clad in Timeless, clad in Bound - Runic Keeper, knows of thee. Clad in Talon, clad in Barbed - Tireless Warrior, watches thee. As it is with these Western Dragons, and their Griffin's Role ... Set in Stone, Guard through Time. Cast in Iron, Watch through Age. Bed in Marble, Hard as Rock. Cast in Metal, Hot as Fire. Rest in Bedrock, Wise through Eon. Stirred in Guard, Woke through you! This Dragon Sentinel, of Midnight's Realm - revealed in Moonlight, came for you!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art Dragon Land

Mermaid - Queen of Atlantis

In Neptune's Realm, Choir be Siren. In Atlantis Runes, Drapes be Washed. Born of Deadly and of Deep - this Mermaids Queen, Bubbles of thy Rule to Sea:

Mermaid - Queen of Atlantis
Mermaid - Queen of Atlantis

Swimming in her Undersea, thinking of thy Nets to Cast. One Barb here, one Hook there - Snatching of thy Fishes Shoal. Floating in her Temple's Verse, musing on thy Songs to Sing. One Chord here, one Pull there - Seduction of thy Sailor's Heart. Hovering in her Briny Ways, dreaming of thy Chest to Fill. One Soul here, one Bolt there - Knowing of thy Lost at Sea ... In Shimmering Veil, with Twists of Fate. In Deadly Gaze, with Turn of Tide. In Warding Stance, with Darks of Stone. This Mermaids Queen - Queen of Mystery and of Deep! A Siren's Call, with Chilled so Bone. A Siren's Call, with Waves so High. A Siren's Call, with Wrecks so Needle. This Mermaids Queen - Queen of Sunken and of Damned! From Davy Jones' Locker - Sailors Mistress, Storms so Ravage. From Davy Jones' Locker - Sailors Goddess, Serpents so Rule. From Davy Jones' Locker - Sailors Bane, Kraken so Deep. This Mermaids Queen - Queen of Conquest and of Temple! For it was indeed, I'd come across her in my Sights ... This Mermaids Queen, wore Regal Gem. This Mermaids Queen, danced Whitened Wash. With Seaweed Green, came Mermaid Crown. With Spectral Form, came Mermaid Gown. This Mermaids Queen, was donned in Runes - with Silver Vines, that Spoke to Me! For it was indeed, I'd come across her in my Hears ... This Mermaids Queen, sung Regal Lore. This Mermaids Queen, hummed Quietened Note. With Ocean Spray, came Mermaid Tongue. With Currents Deep, came Mermaid Tune. This Mermaids Queen, was learned in Speech - with Luscious Lips, that Called to Me! For it was indeed, I'd come across her in my Sub ... This Mermaids Queen, rose Regal Guard. This Mermaids Queen, barred Ocean's Way. With Engines Snagged, came Mermaid Block. With Rudder Locked, came Mermaid Front. This Mermaids Queen, was versed in Spell - with Ocean's Trap, that Lured to Me! Temples of her Sea's Domain. Mermaids of her Empress Guard. Heralds of her Davy Jones' Locker. Mermaid ... Ruler of thy Oceans Deep. Goddess of thy Deepest Trench. Monarch of thy Atlantis Realm. Mermaid ... Commander of thy Empire's Blue. Fairy of thy Typhoon's Wave. Curator of thy Chest of Souls. Mermaid ... Sung to Me: Swim in Shallow, Swim in Deep, Swim in Sea, Swim in Ocean, Swim in Calm, Swim in Storm - but know this my Sailor, thy Boat goes Down, Swim to Me!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art Atlantis

Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Ammonites of these Clouds, and Eyes of the Flutterer, what is it that you Feel, when this Fairy - sat upon this Peak?

Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

To the Heavens of this Day, in the Wisps of the Vapours - with the twists of a Tail, posed Evanescent. To the Climb of this Rhyme, in the Thoughts of a Dragon's - with the souls of the Wise, mused Evanescent. To the Rocks of this Realm, in the Seas of the Angels - with the whispers of a Queen, dark Evanescent. In the Spiral of his Thoughts, with the hidden of a Riddle - two Flutters of Mind, Evanescent and Reign. I am impressed with the fact, that Rachel has chosen at least, two themes for this artwork - and that each theme, is in balance with the other. I feel that the first theme, is that of Guardianship. For I detect, three sets of Eyes looking at me - the Fairy's (indirectly), the Dragon's (directly), and in true Fairy Glamour, those large Eyes at the top of the Butterfly wings! Of these, it seems as though the Butterfly's are the most dominant - as I feel as though, they are winking at me :) In doing so, do these Butterfly's Eyes - bring balance to the upper half of the image, as their bounding darkness (aka black), offsets the lighter tones of the clouds, that rise throughout the image. And in doing so, does Rachel achieve an important effect - she brings height to her Fairy :) I feel that the second theme, is that of a Quest to Climb. This Dragon's Tail, wraps around this Fairy's legs - which both spirals me up, and into the centre of the artwork. Yet that is not all, for does the shape of the Mountain, and the angle of this Fairy's legs (and her dress) - both work together, pulling me upwards, and into the centre of the artwork. Why has Rachel done this? To ensure that this Fairy, is the focal point of your eyes :) Indeed, is this a powerful effect to achieve, whilst maintaining balance within the artwork - because of this Fairy's, darker skin tone. Rachel has added balance, to allow you to focus on the Fairy, by darkening the shades of the Mountain. The Mountain itself, plays right into - this Dragon's Riddle. What possible reason could there be, for the Mountain to be covered in Ammonites? It seems to me, that this Dragon's Tail, reflects the Curves of the Ammonites - as does the Dragon's colour. It also seems to me, that this Dragon's Wings are the same as Fairy's Wings - with similar shades and patterns (albeit on a different scale). Thus is there a connection, between the Ammonites and the Dragon, and between the Dragon and the Fairy. That connection is the Mountain. It's the Roots of the Fairy, and the Roots of the Dragon. It shows their Ancestral past. It shows their Celestial future. What of Rachel's choice of colour? Except for the browns of the Fairy, and the whites of the Dragon, I detect two shades of a primary colour - that of Purple. The darker Purple, is found upon this Fairy's dress, which together with the whispers, found upon her Fairy Wings - speak to me of Royalty. Perhaps she is a Fairy Queen? Whether a Queen of Elements, or a Queen of Butterflies - I cannot say ... Perhaps both? On the other hand, does the lighter Purple, the Lavender - speak to me of both the delicate, and the refinement of this Fairy and her Dragon. This Fairy Queen, may very well sit upon the Mountain Top - but in Gusts of Wind, has she fought her way, to be at the Apex of both her, and her Dragon's Power. Overall: An unusual scene of Fairyland, that shows more connections - between Dragon's and their Fairies. I love the fact that Rachel has chosen to represent, a different Fairy to what we might expect to encounter, at the tip of a Mountain, and at the base of the Clouds. As this Fairy Roots on Mountain, the Foundation Power of Dragon Kin, brought her a Scene - Evanescent plus Eye.

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Fairyland

Aurelia - The Play in Mermaid - Rachel Anderson

Happiness of this Day, and Currents of the Deep, what is it that you Sea, when this Mermaid - hovered in these Waves?

Aurelia - The Play in Mermaid - Rachel Anderson
Aurelia - The Play in Mermaid - Rachel Anderson

To the Sunlight of this Time, in the Plankton of the Shallows - with the twist of a Tale, amused Aurelia. To the flick of her Fin, in the Scales of a Fish - with the glow of the Sun, shimmered Aurelia. To the Gold of this Land, in the Pearls of Atlantis - with the glance of a Queen, smiling Aurelia. In the Eyes of these Jewels, with the Dazzle in Rainbow - two Pearls of a Shoal, Aurelia of Goldfish. I am extremely impressed, by the Fairy Glamour that's present within this artwork - as I had not expected it! First: there is a twist within the background layers of this artwork. If you look at the surface of the sea, then at first glance, does all appear to be quite calm. Yet, if we look at the Mermaid's hair, together with the rising Bubbles and Plankton - do I feel the suggestion of a strong (underwater) ocean current. This suggestion is further refined, through the sudden transition of the aquamarine, to the blues and the blacks - of an ocean's depths. It is within this ocean's blues and blacks, that Rachel achieves an impressive effect - as although there's a dramatic change in colour, it does not hamper your ability to focus on the mermaid (who brings balance to the scene). Second: When looking at the background, the rising Bubbles and Plankton, together with the waves at the top of the image - both suggest that this Mermaid, is within saltwater. Yet, if we look at the Goldfish (that surround this Mermaid), do we encounter Fairy Glamour - as Goldfish are freshwater fish! Third: Is the Glamour of two Tails and their Scales. As the shading upon the Mermaid's tail, and the shading upon the Goldfish tails - are one and the same. This is true of both the fins (with their matching highlights) and the fishes scales - which appear to be a smaller repeated-pattern, of those that are found, at the base of this Mermaid's waist. As such, I feel that there's a connection between this Mermaid and her Goldfish. What could such a connection be? Well ... I feel that this Mermaid is a Queen of Atlantis, and that her Goldfish are just a part of - the Wonders of the Deep. If that were so, then it can be said, that this Mermaid's Pearls - hold the Spirit of Atlantis, within this Sea of Seas. For in Calming blue, do I find the Trustfulness of the Sea - as this Mermaid dives, she brings Nurture to the Deep. For in predominant pink, do I find the Playfulness of the Sea - as this Mermaid swims, she brings Cuteness to the Deep. For in predominant orange, do I find the Fascination of the Sea - as this Mermaid treads, she brings Success to the Deep. For both this saltwater Mermaid, and her freshwater Goldfish - swim in Happy Content! What of the lighting of this underwater scene? Well ... Rachel has chosen to have a single (above water) light source, that fans out - as it's rays penetrate the water. In doing so, does she uniformly light - both the Mermaid and her Goldfish. As such, I feel (for the most part), that Rachel has deliberately avoided the suggestion of too much shadow (particularly upon the Mermaid and the Goldfish). Preferring instead, to rapidly-darken the water - in a way that plays with the height, that is implied by the depth of the Mermaid (within the sea). Thus, do we again encounter Fairy Glamour (between this Mermaid and her background). Overall: A powerfully simple scene - whose Bubbles give rise, to a great many ideas! There's no doubt that this Mermaid is a Queen. There's no doubt that these Goldfish implicitly trust her. There's no doubt that there's some-kind of Fairy Glamour at play (underneath the Sea). With these curves of a Mermaid, and balance of a Goldfish - Aurelia at play, Under the Sea.

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Atlantis

Luminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Ammonites of this Time, and Ferns of the Ageless, what is it that you Sea, when this Fairy - sat upon these Stones?

Luminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Luminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

To the Moonlight of this Night, in the Stars of the Cosmos - with the shape of a Rune, read Luminescent. To the Loops of this Scroll, in the Writings of a Dragon - with the glow of the Lunar, shone Luminescent. To the Stones of this Land, in the Hidden of this Realm - with the speak of a Moonstone, showed Luminescent. In the Curves of his Tongue, with the hint of a Meaning - two Spirals of Thought, Luminescent and Wise. I feel that this artwork is full of hidden meanings, that stem particularly, from the mystery - of the Glowing Runes. Such hidden meanings, are dependant upon - both the Moonlight of this scene, and the position of the Dragon. As such, it seems to me, that this Dragon shares with this Fairy - the secrets of a Dragon's Tale. I speak in Elven: the magic of the Moon, and of it's Lunar Verse. The Moon is the Key, which unlocks this Dragon's Tale. It empowers the Runes, which glow in turquoise, and link themselves in colour - to this Dragon's Tail. I speak in Dwarven: the masters of Stone, and hammerers of these - Lunar Scribes. The Stone is a medium, which contains this Dragon's Glyphs. It's colours in grey, contrast the Runes - that trace out a Path, reminiscent of spiral plus curve (the Dragon's Tail). I speak in Dragon: the Seers of this Language, and Wards of this - Dragon Land. The Language is Art, which contains this - Dragon's Verse. It's words link the Runes, which give height to the scene, and bring balance to the centre of this - Fantasy Dream. What of this Dragon's Tale? Well ... When I look at the base of the ground (at the bottom of this Fairy's Dress), did I notice the Curves of the Ancient - that of a long gone Sea Creature: the tell-tale-shapes of Ammonite. Perhaps indeed, there's a connection - between this Dragon and the Ammonites. What could such a connection be? Well ... I feel as though were looking at the Dragon's past. Perhaps this Dragon was once an Ammonite? If that were so, then it seems as if, these Waves of Rune-light, have pulled back the Tide - to give us a glimpse, of what once had been! I find it hard to say, whether the Fairy has noticed these Ammonites or not - as her gaze would appear to be, just for the Dragon and his Runes. As such, I feel that the Stones and their Runes, are Keys to the Past - both Dragon and Land. And yet, if we look at the Ferns (at the base of this image), is there a twist - of Fairy Glamour! For in the green of the Ferns, tinted by Moon - do I foresee, Pastures of New. What could such Pastures be? Well ... If we look at the Wings of this Fairy, then it is easy to see - that both their shape and their colour, are the same as Dragon Wings! If we also look, at this Fairy's hair - then at first glance, does it Shimmer of Old. Yet, with a look at her skin - does this Fairy's hair, Shimmer of New. Thus, do I feel that these Pastures of New, are reminiscent of Butterfly (the shape of the Fairy plus Dragon Wings), together with the White of the Moon: the Magic of Fairy to be found, at the rise of this - New Moon! The never ending cycle of Moonlight - that sees both Butterfly and Dragon, uncoil and fly this Night. Overall: An exciting Fantasy scene, that speaks of Moonlight - within the context of a Dragon's Tale. I love the way that Rachel has captured the authority of the Dragon - it's as though this Fairy has settled down, to be charmed by this Bedtime Tale. As this Fairy Dreams of Sleep, the gentle Wisps of Dragon Power, showed her a Scene of - Luminescent plus Tail.

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Dragon Land

Ultramarine - Beyond the Sea - Rachel Anderson

Dolphins of Atlantis, and Spies of the Mermaids, what is it that you Sea - when you look upon a Dolphin?

Ultramarine - Beyond the Sea - Rachel Anderson
Ultramarine - Beyond the Sea - Rachel Anderson

To the Reefs of the Oceans, in the Caverns of the Seas - with a thrust of her Tail, sat Ultramarine. To the Corals of the Reefs, in the Plankton of the Caverns - with a brace of her Hands, swum Ultramarine. To the Tranquil of the Blues, in the Cream of the Pearls - with a look upon her Face, glanced Ultramarine. In the rise of the Bubbles, with the hint of a Structure - two Paths to the Soul, knew Ultramarine. I like the fact that this artwork makes use of several layers, with the added twist, that these layers are used to play with the focus. First, there is a lighter layer, which is used to light the scene - which is in stark contrast to the darker layer, which is used to ground the scene. Yet, it is only when these two layers are combined, with the first detail layers - that of the Corals, that we begin to appreciate this focus effect. I feel that this affect, is at it's strongest, at the base of the Mermaids tail - and that this affect is in stark contrast to the area of sharply focused coral, that's located to the north west, of the start of her tail. You may ask why Rachel (aka the artist), decided to play with the focus of her background? My answer would be, for one simple reason: to help simulate underwater caustics - the bending of light, as it passes through water. It's an effect that I feel adds to the clarity, of both the Dolphins, and the Mermaid. It's an effect that plays with the shading of the Dolphins. It's also an effect that helps to highlight the whites of the Mermaid. Yet, it is not the only affect at play within this artwork - for there's also the shape of the Mermaids tail. It's shape has been chosen to help pull you into the right-hand-side of the image - which itself, is combined with the rise of the Coral cliff, to help suggest the height of the Mermaid. There's also the areas of pink Coral, which have been used to help bring balance to the scene - especially in the lower left. This is also true for the dominate white within this area, which balances the whites of the Mermaids tail. I found myself thinking of Atlantis, when I noticed the rock-like structures on the left - although admittedly, these are more of a natural construct (as opposed to pillars in white). In any case, the undersea structures, have been used to bring clarity to the Dolphins - through the contrast of several well defined blues. Such clarity is also sought, within the finer details of this artwork - especially upon the head dress of the Mermaid, which I feel helps to suggest a Regal look. Such fine details, have also been used to help the scene feel more dynamic - especially through the use of rising bubbles (plus plankton). Whilst there's amazing detail within this blurry background, it still serves as a means to an end - for it does not distract from the quality of the Mermaid, nor of the Dolphins. Overall: I am impressed by the contrasting effects that are found within this artwork - and I have found myself wondering at the expression on the Mermaids face. I feel that the Mermaid is a Queen, and that the closest Dolphin has a knowing look within his eyes ... Perhaps he knows, where the Gates of Atlantis can be found? Or perhaps instead, he's just looking at you? As you ponder to yourself, what it is to be - Beyond the Sea?

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Atlantis

under the sea - All

Aurelia - The Play in Mermaid - Rachel AndersonDragon Sentinel - Dragon LandEvanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel AndersonLuminescent - The Moonlight in Fairy - Rachel AndersonMermaid - Queen of AtlantisMermaid of Atlantis - Pirates MermaidUltramarine - Beyond the Sea - Rachel Anderson